Relax and Resolve

Happy New Year!

I'm steadily acquiring more viewers, athough no subscribers, which I suppose is something to be grateful for. Keep up the good work, guys! :)

This year, I thought very hard about what my resolutions should be. It's very difficult, because I usually don't keep or remember what they were.

I also didn't want to choose a typical resolution, along the lines of "lose weight" or "read more" or something that everyone else choose to aspire to.

With all that in mind, and in light of the events of the past year, my one and only resolution is to find my passion; the one thing that I'd like to do for the rest of my life.

I know this is a tall order, but if not now, then when?

Best of wishes to you all this year! Mother and I are watching Gone with the Wind and eating chocolates, so I must get back to that, but I sincerely hope you all are also able to choose resolutions that fit who you are.