Things I Hope Stick Around Post-Covid

I am very optimistically thinking about the end of Covid. I know it’s still a long way off, but with more than half of my family and close friends vaccinated, it’s starting to feel like we’re finally turning a corner. Keeping that in mind, there are some things that I hope don’t go away.

Snail Mail

I have loved how much snail mail I have been both sending and receiving this year. Paper letters are back! Cute stationery is back! I love it and will keep it up on my end, but I’m hoping other people are also interested in holding up their end of the bargain as well.


Curbside Pickup

There is something magical about pulling up to a business and everything just coming out to the car. IT’s made things like shopping for groceries, or even clothes so much easier. I hope that the larger stores continue to offer this service, especially at places like the grocery.

Shopping Small

The love that small businesses got during this time was so beautiful. People would ask for recommendations about where to shop small rather than at a chain. I am so, so hopeful that small business trumps big chain throughout the next year and beyond!

Awesome Takeout Options

Takeout is suddenly not limited to chains and greasy takeout. There are so many options now for any mood and any price point. I love having this level of variety and hope that more restaurants will continue allowing takeout options even as we shuffle back to in-person dining.

Facetiming > Texting

I had used facetime a handful of times before the pandemic. Now I use it nearly every day. I love seeing people’s faces now, and it’s been great to connect with my friends from all over the world who I wouldn’t ever call on the phone.

Not Touching Others

I am not really into touching other people. It is not something I enjoy. Can we please maintain the six feet away from strangers? I’ve loved having a bubble at every store I visit!
