July in Review

July felt great because I felt like I was finally able to sleep in my own bed. Charles and I were still gone every weekend but one! The big elephant in the room is that Charles and I have been talking marriage really seriously this month. As such, many of our conversations have been around these hypotheticals. If (when) get married, where would it be? What kind of ring would I want? How big should it be? So, instead of being a month of relaxation, I think that I spent most of the time stressing out, terrified about a wedding that is, at this point, still purely hypothetical. Doesn't bode well for when we actually do start for realsies planning, right? Upping my anxiety medication as we speak! That's a joke. Kind of.

One of the things that I have been doing to better my own (mental) health is getting back into visiting the gym. I've been going five days a week for a couple of weeks now and feel really good. It's one of those things that always makes me feel better after I'm done, but I am always not interested in starting. If I can avoid going to the gym...I will. But when I make myself go, it's better. And I'll appreciate being healthier later when my lungs aren't burning so much. 

The Month Ahead

This month, my theme will be Prepare. Being someone who lives the teacher life, my year starts in September. September first feels like New Year's Day. Moving on through August, I'm going to focus on preparing for a new season and for the busy season of my life. We're also planning some trips (because when do I ever stay at home), so I'm excited to talk about some tips for traveling and taking time off during the busy season.

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