May in Review

Monthly Review

In Montana, it seems like we completely missed spring and jumped straight into summer. Seriously, spring was only about a week long, and now it's 80 degrees and sticky every day. I have been loving this weather. We've hiked and sat outside on patios and mowed the lawn and it's been glorious.

May was all about celebration, and I think that really worked for me. I spent time this month focusing on my mental health and changing out some things that could be improved in my life. It's been a great month for productive change and happiness, and for that, I've been grateful. 

I also spent some of the month working on client projects, and some time getting ready to launch my online course. I've been working on recording a season of my podcast, with updated art! I didn't really know what I was doing last time, but I feel way more confident this time! My Instagram has also been growing, and I crossed another milestone!

This month I published 13 blog posts, including this one. We're totally on track for this month!0

Looking Ahead

This Friday, we're going to welcome June. Summers are my favorite because, as a teacher, I have the freedom to work on whatever I'd like! This summer, we've decided to spend most of that time traveling. Fittingly, this month is going to be all about travel. Travel tips, travel photos, a travel diary...I can't wait to share all of these things with you, starting on Friday!

Let me know, either in the comments or on Instagram, how was your May? High points? Low points?