Glass Fusing Class
I started a new job recently. Yay, Cait! By far the best thing to have happened so far is that I was invited to a glass-fusing class. The pieces are for charity, so I didn't actually get to keep it, but I didn't really have anywhere to put it to be honest.
Here's a few pictures from my glass fusing day. First, I picked a shape. I wanted to do the round one, while my coworker chose a square one. After tracing it onto the "shelf", I got to pick out my glass shards and carefully arrange them into the circle, making sure there are no gaps. This was incredibly time consuming, finicky work. This first layer of glass took somewhere in the neighborhood of 90 minutes to complete. To be honest, this was the moment when I decided that this would be a one-time deal for me. It was just too much work. Too much meticulous, steady fiddling with the glass to make it fit. The protective gloves were also clunky, so I took them off...and embedded some glass into the end of my left index finger. Again, not going to happen again.
After finally getting all of the glass in place, it gets covered with a layer or two of clear glass. This part was easy. Five minutes. After that I handed them over to our resident artist and she took care of the rest.
I'm so happy with the way that it turned out after it was fired. It's great to try new hobbies, even if you end up not liking them, right?