So very busy...

I sincerely apologise for my lack of presence over the past few days. I've had midterms in an abundance. I also, far more interestingly, helped run the campaign of a friend vying for student union president. Between that and work, I haven't been as free as I would like to be. Now I'm on break, so I'm feeling certainly less encumbered.

The midterms went really well, I think. I had four this past week, and I'm pretty pleased with the way they turned out. I didn't put in as much studying as I should have, because I feel like since they were all over the course of a couple days, I did just 'okay' on all of them and not really stellar on any of them.

The student union debates were on Wednesday, and they went far better than I thought they were going to, in all honesty. My friend, who goes to a different school than I do, is running on a somewhat controversial platform. Because of this, I was thinking that the questions the audience was going to ask were going to crucify him. While the questions asked of him were pretty tough, I feel like he did pretty well. The polls just closed, so I'm eagerly awaiting the results. :)

In between all this, there has been the bus strike, continuing to limit the places I can go and the things I can do, as well as the threat of a faculty strike here at the university. *sigh* I'm not going to worry about it until it happens.

Oh! I've been applying to jobs for this summer. I've been doing some volunteer stuff, for things like resume building and reference letters, but I need a real job this summer. I have rent to pay, and however rewarding volunteering is, it doesn't pay the bills. I've sent out 18 resumes, and today, I got my first call back, saying that I could have an interview when I get back from break!

That's about it. I'll keep you guys updated some more now that everything has quieted down for a bit. :)